Friday 24 March 2017

Identity of woman who plunged into River Thames to escape Westminster terrorist revealed to be a Romanian on holiday to celebrate fiancé's birthday

A woman was rescued alive yesterday from the River Thames after she jumped in there from the Westminster bridge to escape the terror attack. The woman's name is Andreea Cristea, a 29-year-old architect from Romania who was visiting London with her fiancé, Engineer Andrei Bumaz.

The couple were on Westminster Bridge, walking towards the London Eye big wheel when the attack occurred at about 2:40 p.m. Bumactaz suffered a fractured foot in the attack while Cristea is currently in a critical condition.
A bus driver who witnessed the incident recounted the moment it was discovered that Cristea was in the river below.
He said:
"I heard one guy come running behind me shouting his wife had jumped into the river to avoid getting knocked down."
Cristea was rescued afterwards, injured but alive. Scotland Yard said eight people have now been arrested as part of the investigation into the Westminster terror attack, which left at least four people dead. Below is the video of the moment the woman fell into the Thames.

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